The Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Food
Food is any material consumed to supply the body with nutrition. In its simplest form, food is composed of energy from the food consumed to work the body’s cells. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and includes essential nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or minerals, which are essential for life. The human body needs at least eight glasses of water per day, and sometimes more. A well-nourished person usually has soft, supple skin, is physically active and possesses a good sense of humor.
Most people have trouble swallowing large quantities of food that is not digestible easily. This is one reason that makes it difficult to see food passing through the throat. Small food particles that become lodged in the upper or lower jaw, causing painful swallowing, can also block the passage of food and prevent nutrients from being absorbed fully. As a result, nutrients are used up faster than they can be turned into energy.
Plants have their own biological processes to recycle food materials that have been eaten, broken down, or otherwise absorbed by the plants. Plants take in food leftovers, break them down mechanically and use up the food energy as energy. Plants may store some food for days or years, but the food is essentially used up as soon as it is digested by the plant. Some foods are more nutritious than others because of the inherent qualities of the plant material that they contain, or because of the way it has been prepared (e.g., enriched flour to hold up to yeast). Animal foods differ primarily in that they are fed to animals rather than stored for extended periods of time.
Because the absorption of food depends on the physical structure of the food particles in the small intestine, most physicians believe that it is important to check the absorbability of foods before giving them to patients. Foods that are difficult to digest are more likely to cause a lack of absorption than foods that are easily digested. You will also find that there are differences in absorption rates according to gender. Younger people tend to have higher absorption rates than older people.
Nutritional supplements can be a valuable tool in ensuring that you get enough of the right nutrients in your diet. Some foods can actually increase the amount of nutrients that you get, so if you are concerned about getting the proper amount of vitamins and other nutrients, you should consider purchasing a supplement. In particular, leafy green vegetables, which are high in vitamins A, C, E, and K, are good choices for a supplement since these foods are rich in the antioxidants that can help prevent diseases.
Sugar intake should also be closely monitored. The American Dietary Association recommends that people should limit the amount of sugar that they eat, particularly those that come from foods that are sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. However, there is no hard and fast rule about the amount of sugar that you should avoid or the amount that you can eat on any given day. In general, the less sugary foods you eat, the better off you will be in getting all the nutrients that your body needs to function properly.