Basic Parts of a Computer Case and How They Work
A computer is an instrument that is programmed to perform certain sets of mathematical or logical instructions automatically. Modern computers are able to do a wide array of activities such as typing, taking input from the user and outputting data in forms of text, figures, pictures or other images. Modern computers also can execute generic sets of activities called applications. These applications enable modern computers to perform almost all tasks.
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) of the computer is what controls the operation of its input and output devices. The CPU consists of a microprocessor that operates through a ROM (ovable memory Module) that stores instructions for running the various hardware components of the CPU. The various hardware components of the CPU include an instruction unit or ISA that performs specific instructions for the CPU and an architecture that allows a processor to address instructions within its instruction set.
The I/O devices or peripheral hardware of a computer system are any of the devices that are built into or attached to a computer. Peripherals include printers, keyboards, scanners, mice, monitors, printers, USB drives, cameras and video game consoles. Peripheral devices are used within the computer system to process data. The computer software that controls the I/O devices is called software. Software can be written to control a broad range of hardware and non-hardware components of the computer software.
The CPU is typically the main input and output device of a computer system. The I/O devices are controlled by the CPU via its instruction set. The CPU has two different modes of operation: one is known as a single mode processor that executes one instruction at a time and the other is known as a multitasking processor that executes multiple instructions simultaneously. A computer operating in a single mode processor performs only one task while a multitasking processor can execute multiple tasks at the same time.
Computers perform their operations through the central processing unit (CPU). The CPU creates the operating system or the computer’s software with various commands that instruct the computer hardware to do various things. These commands are known as instructions. The three basic parts of a computer case are housing, circuitry and monitor screen.
Computers store information in files. There are two basic parts to a computer: memory and processing. The memory acts as the storing part, while the processing part is what makes the computer run by executing the instructions stored in the memory. A computer consists of many microprocessors that each have their own specific task to perform such as running a program, inputting data to a computer system, generating an output for output, and so on.