Food Organization And Its Impact On The Food Supply
Food Organization And Its Impact On The Food Supply
Food is any material consumed to supply nutrition to an organisms for the growth and maintenance of an organism’s life. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or other minerals, which are required for the growth and maintenance of an animal or plant. There are three chief categories of food: animal foods, plant foods, and fungi foods. Fungi foods are those which contain living microorganisms. Plants are those which contain food for the development of animals and plants; these include animal products, such as meat and milk; plant products, including seeds, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and oils; and fungi foods, which are non-food.
Animal food is food that contains living animals or plants that have been specially adapted for consumption as food, with all their original attributes intact. These are usually presented in a particular order, with the diet of an animal being given precedence over the diet of another. This principle of feeding is also applied to human food; humans consume most of the calories and other nutrients in their diet. Animals, plants, fungi, and even bacteria are fed in this order by humans. The diet of an individual will therefore depend largely on what he or she needs for his or her lifestyle.
Animals feed on a variety of foods, with the most important thing being protein, in terms of animal protein being the richest and most nutritious. Meat and dairy products provide the necessary calories for the growth and maintenance of an animal, while plant-based foods such as whole grains, lentils, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes provide the necessary carbohydrates for growth and maintenance. Many of these foods contain added sugar, which can provide a pleasant aftertaste, but can also have undesirable health effects. Added sugar is commonly called “refined sugar,” and has been listed as one of the seven deadly substances.
A more complicated form of food organization is the human food pyramid. The nutritional value of a food product is usually indicated on the USDA Nutrient Database List, which ranks all foods based on nutrient content, with the highest ranking food being the most nutritious. The USDA lists food items in terms of daily servings per person, allowing us to calculate the amount of nutrients that we need on a daily basis. The only problem with this type of food system is that it is not clearly understood how much of each nutrient we should be eating on a daily basis. We must learn to rely on our bodies to tell us when we are taking in too many calories, and must make changes accordingly.
Another approach to food organization is the food pyramid. The foundation of this approach is establishing a distinction between the major food groups and the less important food groups. For instance, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are the three groups identified by the USDA that should constitute the base of our nutrition. Other less important food groups include dairy products, breads, grains, and some oils. Based on these groupings, one can move outward to suggest a more balanced diet.
One way of dealing with food scarcity is to increase the daily consumption of grains and added sugars. Oat bran and amaranth flour are often recommended because of their absorption rate and energy content. Oats are a great source of fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels and aid in digestion, while the starch from amaranth and millet contain high amounts of carbohydrates that can provide a constant stream of energy. There are other beneficial grains and bran sources, but the above mentioned are the best. By following a balanced diet consisting of grains, fruits, vegetables, and added sugars, you will help reduce your risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, as well as limit your calorie intake.